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The Free Trade Zone of Cádiz celebrates its 95th anniversary today and commemorates it with a program of informative, cultural and festive events

This afternoon “The Sea Ahead” is presented, a collection of podcasts made with Radio Cádiz that narrates the origin and history of the Cádiz tax area.

Throughout 2024, various actions will be carried out, including a historical exhibition, a publication with a photographic compilation of those years or a commemorative concert, in addition to a central institutional event.

This year, the Cádiz Free Trade Zone celebrates its 95 years of history, a history closely linked to that of the city of Cádiz. The anniversary is commemorated precisely today, since on June 11, 1919, King Alfonso XIII signed the decree creating the institution, which was published in the Bulletin on June 13. To commemorate this date, the Cádiz Consortium will kick off this afternoon a program of informative, cultural and festive events with which it aims to broadly celebrate the almost century of life of the Institution.

The Europa building will host this afternoon the first of these actions, which will be the broadcast of a radio serial in the form of a podcast, which Zona Franca has developed with Radio Cádiz, which will take a tour through the history of the Zona Franca de Cádiz in a fictional way , alluding not only to its creation on June 11, 1929 but also to its origins and the commercial and maritime tradition of the city of Cádiz since the time of the Phoenicians.

In the presentation event, in which the delegate of the Free Trade Zone, Fran González, will participate; the director of Radio Cádiz, Lourdes Acosta; and the journalist Pedro Espinosa, explains the details of this serial that has sought, with a novel format and with new narrative elements, to tell the history of the institution so that it reaches the citizens. This is a collection of podcasts that offers a careful, valuable and entertaining vision of the 95 years of history of the Cádiz tax district.

Fran González has been very excited about the events that are being prepared by the Cádiz Institution and has encouraged the participation of citizens since "we have planned a variety of actions for all tastes, ranging from an exhibition in Plaza San Juan de Dios who will take a tour through our History to a central institutional event with the participation of companies that will share their synergies and exchange experiences, or a cultural concert.”

And the Cádiz Consortium is preparing a series of events that will be distributed throughout the year 2024, so that it will be a celebration that lasts over time and allows us to value the history and trajectory of an institution so deeply rooted in Cádiz and your province. In addition to the broadcast of this historical serial on Radio Cádiz, the 95 years of the history of the Free Zone will be present this summer in an exhibition in the Plaza San Juan de Dios, which will open at the end of June, and in the pages of Diario de Cádiz, which will compile experiences and curiosities of the Cádiz Institution for six weeks. In addition, with the collaboration of Diario de Cádiz, the history of the institution will be told as published by the Diario itself throughout this time, so that it reflects how the Free Trade Zone has been told to citizens over time.

Already in September, the central institutional event will take place, which will be attended by relevant personalities and companies, who will take the opportunity to network and share synergies with other companies, many of them from the innovative sector that have recently joined the facilities of the Free Trade Zone, reinforcing the innovative and sustainable ecosystem of the Cádiz Consortium today.

All these events will be seasoned with the collaboration and participation of Zona Franca in different events linked to the culture of the city of Cádiz, such as music or publications.