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The Free Trade Zone delegate spoke at the XXX Maritime Studies Week

The Special Delegate of the State in the Cádiz Free Trade Zone Consortium, Jorge Ramos, spoke this morning in the series of conferences that are being held in Cádiz, within the framework of the XXX Maritime Studies Week.
Ramos opened the session with a conference titled “Cádiz: Southern Europe and crossroads of the motorways of the sea”, in which he explained the importance of development and infrastructure connections –maritime and terrestrial - in the progress of societies and its direct impact on the increase in competitiveness in the territories.
During his speech, the delegate of the Free Zone, who was also spokesperson for Public Works and Housing, Economy and Innovation and Public Function during his time in the Parliament of Andalusia, focused his presentation on the reality of Andalusia and, specifically, that of Cádiz. , with its potential and also its weaknesses, to emphasize how poor management or inaction in terms of infrastructure can anchor a territory in the tail of progress and economic growth.
In this sense and using very clarifying examples in his speech, Ramos showed an Andalusia with great potential. –strategic geographical location; the most important port system in Spain, etc. - but with enormous weaknesses, which, in turn, are its future challenges to unite and structure its production centers with its port and land infrastructure.
Furthermore, the delegate of the Free Trade Zone made reference to the importance of entrepreneurs in the current economic reality, arguing that "without entrepreneurs there are no companies and companies shape the economy", this being the basic and essential trinomial to promote economic activity. and promote job creation.
To conclude, Jorge Ramos opted to turn the economic direction of Andalusia through the good definition of strategies around the logistics infrastructure of the Community, putting on the balance the enormous potential of Cádiz as a great node. logistics of Southern Europe, a side that even today has less weight than the other side of the balance, the serious deficiencies in terms of connection between transport infrastructures –as an example, the non-existence of a railway connection between the two port systems of the province, Cádiz and Algeciras, deficiencies that prevent Andalusia and Cádiz from occupying the place they deserve due to their potential and the value of their people.
“We do not have fast perpendicular communication towards Europe from our ports, because we do not have, we do not even have the railway connection between the two port systems of the Province; We do not have the necessary communications and transportation infrastructure. That is our weakness and that has to be our challenge,” Ramos concluded.
Today's Thursday session also included the participation of Navantia's Director of Construction, Angel Recamán, and the former rector of the UCA, Diego Sales.
The conference, which concluded at 1:00 p.m. with a reading of conclusions in the Auditorium of the Institute of Development and Employment of Cádiz, is organized by the ASESMAR Foundation and the Puertos del Estado Public Entity and has the collaboration of the Free Zone , the City Council, the UCA, the Spanish Navy and Cajamar
One of the ASESMAR Foundation's main activities is the organization of these meetings, which consist of the development of a series of conferences, followed by the corresponding colloquiums, given by experts of the highest level in the subjects discussed; responsible for organizations or centers linked to the sea or entities and companies also linked, in some way, with marine activities.
Read the full intervention