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Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Free Zone

On June 28, 2012; At 10 a.m. on the first call and at 10:30 a.m. on the second call, the Executive Committee of the Cádiz Free Zone Consortium must meet at its Headquarters, to learn about, deliberate and adopt agreements on the matters contemplated in the following Agenda:

1º.- Reading and approval, if applicable, of the minutes of the Executive Committee session held on May 29, 2012.

2º.- Collective Agreement of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone Consortium for the years 2011-2013.

3º.- Modification, extension and ratification, if applicable, of the agreement adopted by the Executive Committee dated May 29, 2012 on the request for subsidies and/or reimbursable credits to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. Authorization to contract financial products that allow said aid to be anticipated.

4º.- Approval of the accounts corresponding to the 2011 financial year of the companies DEZF, RILCO, PCLS and IZF.

5º.- Appointment of directors in DEZF and capital increase through non-monetary contribution (IZF and PCLS).

6º.- DEZF budget approval for fiscal year 2013.

7º.- Compensation, assistance and displacement of collegiate bodies.

8º.- Redemption of reservation census and elimination of resolutory condition.

9º.- Requests and Questions.