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The procedures for the development of the industrial land of the Free Zone in Los Pastores in Algeciras are advancing

The delegate of the Free Zone, Fran González, presented today at the Algeciras City Council the document for the final approval of the specific modification of the PGOU The Free Zone of Cádiz continues to advance in the development of its spaces… Read More »The procedures for the development of the industrial land of the Free Zone in Los Pastores in Algeciras are advancing

The Association of Entrepreneurs of Southern Spain (CESUR) visits the Free Trade Zone to learn about its innovation strategy

The delegate of the Consortium, Fran González, received today Fernando Seco, vice president of the entity, which brings together more than 200 companies, both Andalusian and Extremadura. At the meeting, coincident lines emerged between both institutions, such as the commitment to… Read More »The Association of Entrepreneurs of Southern Spain (CESUR) visits the Free Trade Zone to learn about its innovation strategy

The delegate of the Cádiz Free Zone and the ambassador of Chile bring together lines of collaboration around the Blue Economy

The delegate of the Cádiz Free Zone, Fran González, held an institutional meeting this morning with the Chilean ambassador to Spain, Javier Velasco, at the Embassy of the Andean country to establish lines of joint work around… Read More »The delegate of the Cádiz Free Zone and the ambassador of Chile bring together lines of collaboration around the Blue Economy